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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cyber Monday??

How was your Cyber Monday? It looks like the general buzz on the eBay Blog's was that it was very slow for most. But many have been complaining of poor sells for sometime now. Truly, eBay is a great way to shop. The consumer has the ability to view a sellers feedbacks before they buy.

Many shoppers are a little intimated to purchase on eBay for the first time, but it is actually very easy to sign up! And the sellers there really try hard to please. Face it, with all of the WalMart's, KMart's and etc. out there, it's tough for us little guys. I think of eBay as a lot of Mom and Pop stores all in one place. It's great, and it can be very addicting.

So check us out. There still is plenty of time to shop for Christmas gifts and holiday outfits. Hope to see you at our eBay store at http://www.less4luxury.com

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