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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Drink to your health

On Monday night, while suffering with a Starbucks Coffee Frapucchino and Hersey bar headache, I turn on my t.v. and started watching Oprah with guest Dr. Oz. If you have never seen Dr. Oz before, I always learn something interesting when I do.

Anyway, he made a healthy drink, which he called The Green Drink. Oprah also interviewed others who had been drinking it for several weeks with claims that it changed their health drastically. I’m all for that. Right on!

The next day I went out and bought all the green, yummy rabbit food and made my first green drink. Oprah’s first impression.... pleasantly surprised. "It's a glass of fresh," she says. And it taste just that. FRESH!

I’m on day two and I’m pretty excited about this. I added the link under cool links if you want to check it out. You can read some of the testimonies of a few who have been drinking the Green Drink, found on Oprah’s official site too.Dr. Oz says he makes a breakfast drink for himself many mornings that he calls his green drink.

What's in Dr. Oz's green drink?


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