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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Plan Your Dream Spring Vacation

After having spent some time in a cubicle, or maybe confined to your car cruising the highways in a 100 mile radius of your home, standing night after day in a retail brick and mortar, or staring at your pc in "the home office", you may have been pondering a lovely trip or two to take away the blues of monotony.
While the present economy leaves many of us questioning the practicality of that "special voyage", we can still plan the darn thing! Who knows, there are better odds than lotteries where others have been brought riches...
So for the ladies reading who are dreaming and for those of you worrying about attaining, here is a perfect vacation (in the making)
First off...what is the issue that Americans are most concerned with? ECONOMICS Well let's be women of the world concerned with economics and more. GOLD is an area of interest. And, did you know, you can visit those places that gold is most commonly found?
While a home atlas was used in the above picture, it does highlight best in dark yellow, where the mineral is found in abundance.
More to come...

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