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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Three Cheers for Women’s Heart Health!

I love my job here at www.less4luxury.com. But like many of you, it easy for me to sit in front of the computer all day and snack while I work. I ran across this from a newsletter that I get from The Nugget Markets.

Ladies, Take Heart...Health Notes from Dr. Liz:

Men aren’t the only ones at risk: heart disease is also the leading cause of death for women in the U.S. And unfortunately, many women are unaware of their personal risk factors for heart disease. For example, a woman with Type II diabetes has a three-fold increased risk for heart disease, compared to men with diabetes. To improve your heart health, start with simple dietary changes and regular exercise. Ladies, take these four steps “to heart”:
Eat whole grains. Studies show women who eat whole-grain breads, brown rice and whole oats cut their risk for heart disease by a third. So switch out your cereal for whole grain versions, opt for brown rice at home or dining out (it’s now available at many Asian eateries), and use whole grain pastas instead of refined types.

Include fruits and beans daily. Fruit, whether fresh or frozen, is loaded with water-soluble fiber. And so are beans of all types – kidney, garbanzo, pinto and other. Water-soluble fiber not only helps lower circulating cholesterol levels, but also aids in regulating blood sugar, a must for controlling diabetes. Aim for three pieces of fruit daily and a ½ cup serving of beans.
Go for greens. Richly colored salad greens, asparagus and other green leafy veggies supply both folate and vitamin B6. This duo helps lower the level of an artery-damaging compound called homocysteine.

Reach for 60 minutes. Aim for 60 minutes total each day of active time such as fast walking, workout at the gym, heavy housework or yard work. Exercise helps in several ways to boost heart health – lowering circulating cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and controling diabetes.

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