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Friday, May 16, 2008

New recipe from the Nugget!

When I'm not working here at http://www.chicosdeals.com/ I'm cooking up a storm and always looking for luxury meals to make at home. This barbecue oyster dish looks so yummy, I just had to pass it on to you. The following entry was taken from the ever-informative newsletter from the nugget. If you have a recipe or two that you would like to share for those hot summer nights, let us know. _V

I love to barbecue Pacific Oysters! I prefer smaller-sized, but just about any size will do — for some folks bigger is better. Use ample heat and be sure to watch them carefully. As soon as they pop open the oysters are ready to eat. Shells will be hot so please be careful handling them. Make sure all of your favorite condiments are ready to go, whether you are topping them off with our Wasabi Mustard Sauce , a compound butter, or a simple squeeze of lemon and a dash of Southern-style hot sauce — barbecued oysters are to be eaten HOT off the grill! Light beers pair nicely with barbecued oysters but the best pairing by far is a light, crisp, citrusy Sauvignon Blanc.
- Rachael Levine, Nugget Markets' Executive Chef

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