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Friday, August 22, 2008

Love my Chico's

I love my Chico's, and so does the mother of the best swimmer of the world! I found the following in USA TODAY. We have tons of beautiful Chico's at a faction of the cost. Come and see our winning selection at www.less4luxury.com. Have a great weekend, Victoria

By Laura Petrecca, USA TODAY
Michael Phelps' sponsors, such as Speedo and Visa, have gotten their money's worth in rub-off glory from his record eight gold medals. But an unexpected brand, not a paid sponsor, also has gotten buoyancy from his performance in Beijing: women's clothing retailer Chico's (CHS) .
That's because Phelps' mother, Debbie — a loyal Chico's customer, but not an official endorser — has worn its garb throughout the Games. Every time she's been seen in print, online and TV coverage in her Chico's attire, the chain has gotten free exposure.
OLYMPICS: Coverage of the Beijing Games
It's also been swamped with demand to buy Debbie's fashions, brand President Michele Cloutier says.
"Customers have been coming in and asking for what she's wearing," she says. "They're saying, 'I want that jacket,' and they can describe it perfectly."

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